Our Chairman, Mr. Rajesh Agarwal, has accelerated our sales, net worth and our manifolds. A professionally qualified Chartered Accountant and a reputed industrialist, Mr. Agarwal has used global strategy for local business, paving way to market-capture and a growth ever so holistic. Mr. Anil Kedia, an eminent businessman and industrialist, is a founding member and has brought about several evolutions in our techniques. Mr. Deepak Agarwal, Group Director, has avidly led the R&D department into launching new chemical products. He has been instrumental in the realm of carving out new product brands for Synthetic Phenolic Resins, Oleo Chemicals & Alternate Fuels. Under the guidance of such eminent promoters, Koshal Ceramics has come up with Processed Oil, which is a quality conventional fuel now widely used in Steel Sectors.